The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street is an American movie directed by Martin Scorsese. Martin Scorsese's famous films works are Goodfellas (1990), Casino (1995), Taxi Driver (1976), The Departed (2006) and Shutter Island (2010). The Wolf of Wall Street was released in 2013 and stars Leonardo DiCaprio. The genre is comedy. This movie is an movie adaptation of Jordan Belfort's memoirs. The film has been nominated for five major Academy Awards and won a Golden Globe Award. The world's box office revenue has reached about $ 300 million. It's a story about the success and ruin of a real stockbroker on Wall Street that earned an annual income of 4.9 billion yen from zero savings. Leonardo DiCaprio, played by Jordan Belfort, has captured people's hearts in a blink of an eye with his skillful speech, achieved new ideas one after another, and gained wealth and fame all at once. He became known as the Wall Street's Wolf, but an unexpected fall in life awaited him. Anywa...